Behind the Scenes at MC | March 11, 2022

Morabito Consultants takes pride in the quality of our structural drawings for their code compliance, clarity, constructability, and coordination. Behind the scenes, MC uses AutoDesk Revit to manage all new and remediation construction details and standards. This allows quick and regular updating of details and notes for code changes, contractor design preferences, new industry standards, “lessons learned,” and general design improvement. Our dedicated design standards committee reviews proposed improvements on a weekly basis. The Revit template details contain colored “design notes” which point out important items our design engineers should consider when incorporating a detail into their project. Further, our Microsoft Teams engineering “wiki” is linked to our Revit template details for quick reference. This wiki allows our young engineers to efficiently self-learn from design standards developed over the nearly 40 years of MC experience. The wiki also serves as an important reference for young and senior engineers alike when starting a new project or needing a refresher on a design process or MC standard. Morabito Consultants believes that these design tools and processes significantly support our continual commitment to producing quality and consistent structural designs and drawings.