BMI Wood Bridge Competition | February 23, 2022

MC would like to wish our staff and colleagues a Happy Engineers Week!  

Earlier this month, we had the privilege to be a sponsor for the Baltimore Museum of Industry (BMI) 2022 Wood Bridge Challenge. Local high school students competed to build the most “efficient” basswood and glue bridge to span a one-foot gap. The most efficient bridge is one that carries the most load, relative to its own weight (Load / Bridge Weight). The winning bridge weighed 3.2 Pounds and supported 110 pounds at failure! Our local schools have some excellent engineers in the making.


If you know of any aspiring engineers, BMI has other engineering challenges coming up for students in grades 1-12 which you can find on their website.  Help us build the future of engineering today! 

The BMI competition is just one local event of many across the country, and information on the rules and event history can be found here.  Check out this video if you’re interested in watching the event.