Maryland Flood Awareness Month 2022 | April 26, 2022

Last April, Governor Larry Hogan, declared the month of April to be Maryland Flood Awareness Month. Maryland Flood Awareness Month will raise awareness about the many flood hazards faced by individuals and communities across the state and provide information on what Marylanders can do to protect themselves, their property and possessions, their finances, and communities. This effort will be accomplished via The Maryland Resiliency Partnership. The Maryland Resiliency Partnership is a collaboration of public and private partners to leverage funding, personnel, and projects to support efforts that integrate hazard mitigation, floodplain management, and coastal and climate resiliency.
Morabito Consultants has been prepared to contribute to this ongoing effort in Maryland as well as all states our firm currently provides floodproofing remediation in. MC is experienced analyzing and designing new and existing structures of all types in high-velocity wind and high-hazard flood zones. A significant amount of our floodproofing design comes from an ongoing partnership with a leading manufacturer of flood panels, windows, and doors. Through this partnership, MC has gained experience designing everything from 40-ft long aluminum flood wall gates to impact and flood resistant glass fenestration components.