Working Towards Net Zero | May 24, 2022

MC previously discussed climate change and how “carbonation” of concrete provides some offset to CO2 emissions produced by the manufacture of concrete. It is estimated that between 5-8% of all global CO2 emissions come from the manufacturer of cement products which are used in concrete, mortar, grout, cement sheathing, and numerous other applications. The most energy intensive process in the manufacturing of cement is the creation of a precursor material to hydraulic cement powder (Portland, etc) called “klinker” which is the hot fusing of oxidized calcium and silicone, in various proportions, into rock-like nodules. In this video from the American Concrete Institute, global cement manufacturer, HolcimUS, explains the klinker manufacturing process and discusses the strategies they are implementing for reducing CO2 emissions at cement manufacturing facilities and to eventually achieving net zero carbon in buildings.