MC is proud to have assisted in extending the serviceable lifespan of the 130-year-old historic structure located in Baltimore, MD, the Inn at Henderson’s Wharf. A drone was utilized to help capture video and photographs to complete the detailed inspection of the exterior brick bearing walls and document the structural and waterproofing conditions. Specifically, damages to the brick wall was observed, which included wide, deep structural cracks where air and water could pass through the walls, crumbling brick, mortar, and outer wythes of brick that were not secured to the wall. This presented a risk of falling loose and unstable brick. In late August 2022, C.A. Lindman began implementing the repairs plans and details that we prepared. The repair methods included stainless steel helical reinforcement across structural cracks, low-modulus deep wall void grouting, replacement of steel reinforcement at cornices, tuckpointing utilizing chemical color matching mortar, waterproofing pilaster caps, and sealing of masonry with penetrating sealants.
As tax season approaches, MC would like to encourage everyone to take a few minutes to contact their members of Congress and urge them to pass legislation that will repeal IRC §174. Many U.S. companies, including nearly all Architectural and Engineering firms, will face significant increases in 2022 taxable income due to a little-publicized provision of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Under the new rules, Research and Experimental (R&E) costs must now be capitalized and amortized over a five-year period, whereas prior to December 21, 2022, these costs were able to be deducted on a yearly basis. This change will cause an immediate increase in taxable income and a severe reduction in cash flow for impacted firms. The credit has been used for many years by companies to save significant federal and state taxes. This new capitalization rule discourages innovation and penalizes firms that leverage the R&D credit. It has been assumed that since these amortization rules were passed in 2017, Congress would repeal or delay their enaction prior to 2022. To date nothing has changed, but there is hope that the legislation being introduced in early February will repeal these provisions. Follow the link below to ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) who has made it very easy to send a prepared letter to your local representatives, encouraging repeal of IRC §174. Click “Register” to create an account and then log back in with your new account information to generate the email and forward it to your Congress members.

The fourth quarter Company Highlights newsletter came out last week. Did you miss it? Check out this link to view and subscribe so you don’t miss out on the next issue!

Construction is well underway at Brightview Hunt Valley! Earlier this week, the wood and metal/Hambro structures were in the process of being erected. The wood framing has been completed up to level two, and the metal stud/Hambro framing has been completed up to level three. Steel moment frames at the east elevation have also been erected.
This project will be five stories and will provide 178 apartment units for Independent and Assisted Living as well as Memory Care. MC is excited to be involved with another Brightview Senior Living community as we partner with BCT Design Group and Harkins Builders to bring the project to life.

MC would like to wish our associates, colleagues, and families a safe and Happy New Year. We are excited for the new opportunities and changes that this new year will bring.
Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 2nd and will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Over the past month, MC had the pleasure of partnering with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for our annual holiday giving campaign. This year our employees went above and beyond our goal and donated over $3,000 to help ensure that no family receives a bill for treatments, travel, housing, nor food. Thank you to all who have donated to our campaign and helped push us over our goal.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Morabito Consultants!
In observance of Christmas, MC will be closing early today, December 23rd, and will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, December 27th.
Morabito Consultants is proud to provide structural engineering services for the façade renovation at the old Target property at Mondawmin Mall. The property will be rebranded as “The Villages at Mondawmin”. Together with Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, BCT Design Group, Mahan Rykiel Associates, SRBR Engineers and MK Consulting Engineers, the site is being redeveloped as a community hub and will house healthcare, childcare, and job development services as well as space for a local non-profits and entrepreneurs. Structural services include reconstruction of the north façade, new openings in existing masonry walls and new exterior promenades, stairs and ramps. The article below was featured on the front page of the Baltimore Sun on Friday, December 16th, 2022.

Please join us in welcoming our latest hire – Carl Svagerko, PE! Carl is a University of Tennessee graduate and joined MC as a Project Manager. He brings eight years of experience structural engineering including building inspection, restoration, and remediation, as well as repair design. Welcome to the team, Carl!

HUGE congratulations are in order. Please join MC in celebrating Henry Rand on becoming a certified Special Inspector (Limited) in the state of Florida! We are incredibly proud of all the work Henry continues to provide for our FL clients.